"Retro tomorrow"

Exhibition: Saturday, January 18 – Thursday, February 13, 2025

18 Artists 55 artworks in a variety of media.

Steampunk is a design style inspired by Victorian-era industrialism. It is a style of fantasy fiction that features Victorian technology, especially technology powered by steam (  Steampunk is characterized by gears, pipes, machinery, Victorian clothing, mechanical creatures, chains, and other images from the industrial era.

Jurors: Nita Kehoe and Joy Jones

Nita Kehoe, Professor of Art and Gallery Director has been a practicing artist for 35 years.  She creates conceptual artwork focusing on the intersection between humanity and nature.  She has exhibited her artwork internationally and is in numerous collections.  She teaches ceramics, sculpture and art history at Central Wyoming College for the past 24 years.

Nita Kehoe - Alternatior

Joy Jones, owner and artist at The Clay Works has been a professional artist for 30 years.  She creates both functional and decorative ceramic work focused on the theme of steampunk.  She has exhibited her work locally, nationwide, and internationally.

Joy Jones - Vessel


Digital Photography Exhibition


Artists included in Retro Tomorrow

Alyssa Cumpton
Mel Christensen
Lori Hunter
Joy Jones
Julie Kitzes

Andrew Lawson
Kaia Leseberg
Christine Pruett
Elise Racine
Patricia Samora

Tanja Schlosser
Traci Sessions
Melissa Strickler
David Stringham

About RAP Gallery/CWC

Central Wyoming College is a 4-year college located in Riverton, Wyoming. Riverton is a picturesque, rural town located next to the Wind River Indian Reservation. The Robert A. Peck building where the gallery is located, boasts a visitor log of 1,500 last year over the exhibition dates. The RAP Gallery is a 6,000-square-foot space where a diverse array of artwork is exhibited.  The gallery provides an important educational and cultural space since it is the only large-scale gallery within a 2-hour drive.